29 January 2009

Growing Pains

BelleReve Portrait Design will soon have a new home! I currently bought a website from the great . They specialize in photography websites.

I'm sort of struggling right now because I have felt for a long time that I don't have the support that I need to start and maintain a business. However, I've just decided that this is something I have and want to do.

I am completely passionate about photography. All of my passion lies in the arts. I am a sucker for music, books, art, photography, cinematography, dance, etc. If it's artsy...I will probably like it and be a sap for it. There's something about self-expression that really speaks to me and I just want to be there to not only capture special moments in people's lives, but to create works of art. I know there are some people out there who feel that photography isn't art, but I feel like any form of self-expression is art.

There is feeling that goes into my work. Sometimes I sigh & moan over things I don't want to do and we do it because we have to (i.e. shooting football games) but even then I find myself getting into the games and loving the images that I capture.

I used to want to work for National Geographi or travel as a war correspondent but I really hate roughing it. I love the images, but I like the comforts of home. Plus, I really don't know if I could live without Chick-Fil A and Taco Bueno. I probably am that shallow. Maybe one day...but for now I will have to fulfil my passions with creating fairies, lonely maidens and capturing toddling baby steps. :)

With all of that said I have been hard at work the last few days on the website and creating pricing guides and thinking about business cards, etc etc...

Here is a tiny sneak peak at some info to come:

BelleReve Portrait Design

Session Fee: $225 (includes $100 print credit)


Krissi Dallas said...

I am so excited for you and what is to come! Isn't there something exhilarating [terrifying] about taking that leap of faith and challenging yourself to follow your dreams?! We're young ... there's a lot of life left to live. And I just know you're going to make this work. DOWN WITH THE NAY-SAYERS! I can't wait for you to take my pics and make me into a modern fairy tale princess. (It's gonna take some serious touching-up, but my beauty is in your hands.) LOL. About to go check out the new website now ...

Krissi Dallas said...

Oh, wait. Never mind. Website not up. Let me know when I can take a gander ...

JR said...

I'll definitely have an 'unveiling' when the website is ready...probably by the end of next week. :)